Monday, February 4, 2008

Sasha and Chris's Engagement Story

August 2005....I'm an east coast girl...raised in upstate New York...and had been living in Stamford,Connecticut for 10 years....had a great friend...who talked me into driving to her home state of Indiana with her (no wonder she didn't want to go's a 12 hour drive...UGG) Okay...fine...i'll go...was told it would be was "race weekend" (HUH?!?) I ended up being a great driving companion...once we hit the endless cornfields...I kept falling asleep....We her family...and i'm told "see ya at 5:45..A.M!!!" UMMM...For WHAT?? NASCAR....Indy 500....they tell me...(Okay..but why so early??)I am then filled in on qualification day traditions....9 before 9 (beers that is) Apparently people come from all over to see cars go in circles and drink. SO...I get up...sorta get ready(who cares-i'm in Indiana!) I go cars go in circles(Okay..I's pretty cool!) We are sitting on turn 4...get introduced to a bunch of people. One guy caught my eye...we don't talk...I watch-he watches....he walks-we walk...I look-so does he-for HOURS!! Walking again...past him and his of them walks over to us,introduces himself,and says"my friend wants to talk to you" I laugh...out loud...(are we in high school??) I give him a wiseass comeback...."then why the f*** are you standing here and not him?" He says "your not from around here are you??" Nope...N.Y....when your friend wants to talk tell him to find me! 4th turn again....we do finally talk....sparks...or beer...but it was good whatever it was!! I give him my number..we part...(another friend in the background saying he was never going to see his hat was on my head) He calls(AMAZING...not used to a nice guy!) Actually we talk....and talk....and fall in love before I finally see him again 2 months later. Our first REAL date was downtown,he really wanted to impress this "Connecticut" girl,so he took me to Scholars Inn. All I can say is AMAZING...the whole experience...he introduced me to a great city...and I introduced this indiana boy to seared tuna! I fell more in love with him..and the city of Indianapolis ever time I visited! I move to indy in April of 2006....I told everyone who thought I was crazy)that sometimes you just have to stop thinking and take the risk...and it was worth it! AUGUST 7,2007..I recieved a text one afternoon...he thought we needed a nice night out on the town...dress up...he made reservations at Scholars Inn (we hadn't been since our first date..kinda pricey!) YAY!! I was SO excited...a date night!! We are all dressed up...go out to the car..our neighbor "happens" to be outside with his camera...take some nice backyard pics...and head downtown! We have yet another amazing dinner (he couldn't wait to have that tuna again!) After dinner he suggests we walk down by the monument...get a drink...maybe take a carriage ride. It's a beautiful summer evening...we try...and try...and are told to go to a different pick-up location (TWICE) ..we sit on the monument watch....and after almost an hour...he ditches the carriage idea!! He says "I'm tired of waiting...lets just walk around". I start up the steps...him behind me (just incase the sexy heels and martini's didn't mix) I got to the top and went over to the waterfall (I LOVE water-but there isn't much in Indy) I looked out at the city lights,which I think are just amazing...and said "This is beautiful, I feel like i'm on top of the city" His arms are around me,and he slowly turns me around..steps back...lifts up his hand(which is holding my ring) and asks me to marry him! YES YES YES.....squeal..jump up and down....laugh ...cry....hug...kiss....and yes....everyone is watching...and they all know I am the happiest girl in the city at that moment!! A nice couple took pictures for us,I called my parents(who already knew-DUH) I basically shared my excitement with ANYONE within hearing distance,for the rest of the night!! My next thought was did he manage to keep that from me??? He was smooth...all night...I never even decteted a moment of nerves....which told me all I needed to know...he was absolutly sure without a doubt that we were meant to be!! We met on Aug 6th -the date my parents married 30+ years beforeWe were engaged on 7-7-07...and will be married on 8-8-08 Thank you for reading our story!

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