Tonya and I ventured out to San Diego back in March for 8 days for a Bridal Conference. The first 2 days we were masterminding with our Legends group. It was intense couple of days each wedding planner in the group got up in front of the group and talked about their business. We then gave out suggestions on how to improve each business. Its unbelievable how valuable this is, Tonya and I got sooo many ideas just from listening to other wedding planners. There is 110 things in our journal of things to do. Last year when we out to LA for the same conference, we accomplished almost everything of the list!!! So get ready CCP and CCD fans for the AWESOME things coming!!! The 3rd day was our day off!!! Tonya and I agreed that we wanted to do something that we had never done before so we decided that we were going to SURF!!! It didn't go exactly how we planned (sometimes weddings are like that too) but we did it Mid-west style. This was soo much fun!!! We will need to post another posting just on surfing. The last 3 days was the LIVE event. The conference was mainly focused on running the business. We learned a ton about branding, media and how to accomplish our goals. One of the sessions focused on designed which was GREAT! Tonya and I had sooo much fun together! We laughed, we cried, we missed our children and husbands but most of all we were together. I will say this about the trip: I never spent 8 days and nights with Tonya before, she is exhausting!!!
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