Saturday, November 27, 2010

How do I tell you I love you?

I LOVE you, now.. how do I TELL you??

Writing vows can be an amazing opportunity to share your love and excitement for joining your life with your fiance’s with all the people in your lives. It’s a wonderful way to make your wedding personal, intimate, meaningful, and memorable. Creating love from your own words is NOT for everyone, but for those who choose to brave it, here’s some tips.

*Research famous quotes on the quotes for inspiration. Famous love stories often touch the heart just as much as your own words could. Using familiar quotes in your vows creates a bridge for your guests to share in your love. They know exactly what you mean because they know the words you speak.

Who could say it better than Shakespeare? “A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.”

*Movies can be a great way to take our traditional ideas of love and marriage and put a modern spin on them. Quoting a romantic comedy we all have seen is great way to share a memory of you and your fiance, and help them connect with your feelings for each other. Use the movies, books or music that are special to the two of you to become the muse for your vows.

Can’t forget Billy Crystal looking into Meg Ryan’s eyes spouting the words, "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

*Look into your heart. Pull out old cards you have written each other, read letters your grandmother wrote to your grandfather while he was away in the war, remember words you spoke the first time you told her/him you loved them. What are the things you want to promise them? What makes them THE ONE? What do you see in your future together? Sometimes its just remembering the past to remind you of what you want to say about your future.

quick tips:

*Keep your vows to about 1-2 minutes. You want to be confident when you say them, and having to remember something very lengthy will affect your nerves.

*Don’t have notes to keep you on track. Speak from your heart. If it doesn’t come out perfectly as you practiced, just go with it :)

*Look him/her deep into the eyes. They will feel your sincerity, and so will your guests.

*Discuss the vows with your fiance beforehand. You don’t want to have different expectations for this moment. It might be your nature to be funny or witty, and theirs to be sweet and sappy...You don’t want disappointment or surprises on your wedding day. Its OK to talk about this without giving away what you will say.

*End your vows with I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Adding fabulosity to your florals, Tiffany

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