Britter and Jay
May 17, 2008
This was a very special wedding to me for many reasons. First let me tell you Britter is an amazing woman. She has a heart for the world, animals, and people! I’ve never met someone in my entire life that cares so much about the environment. My first GOING GREEN WEDDING of my career (I love first’s of any type). Everything from the recycled invitations, bridesmaids carrying battery candles, free range meal (chicken and beef), carbon credit for the travel, and a menu board verses menu cards to save paper. Things were planned out very carefully to save and preserve the environment. We recycled the cans, water bottles, and wine bottles from the bar (how easy is that?!) This was one wedding to always remember for two main reasons: one was the enormous, elegant floral ball with thousands of flowers in the middle of Crowne Plaza (Way to go Julie and her crew) and the second element were the table names. Britter loves dogs. When I say dogs I mean every living 4 legged friend on this earth. Her brother said it best, “If Britter could have the zoo in her back yard she would!” She came up with this idea of going on Pet Finder and search for homeless dogs and name each table after the shelter dogs. This had to be done at the very last minute (Thanks Jill at Westwood Paper Company). Then on each table we had a glossy picture of the homeless dogs and a description on how to adopt the doggies. I thought this would be a nice gesture, but no one would truly take the next step and adopt a dog. Boy was I wrong! By the end of the night we had two families that adopted two dogs and several descriptions were gone. Out of 28 dogs/tables she was able to save two dogs that would have been put to sleep this week. AMAZING! Way to go Britter. I am always stunned by the creativeness and the craziness of my brides, but love every minute we come up with something out of the box and it WORKS! If I didn’t mention one last thing about this woman I would be doing a disgrace to every girl’s true love, SHOES. Everyone knows Darcie and I have a fetish for shoes, but Britter wins GRAND PRIZE for these bridal shoes and the unbelievable story that goes along with it. The day Britter contacted us via email she said that she knew we were the planners for her when she noticed the cute zebra (Darcie) and polka dot (me) shoes on our contact page. We knew we were destined to be together as bride and coordinator from the very beginning. So of course her bridal shoes had to be just perfect. She finds these designer shoes online she adores, her mom pays a fortune for them (I’ll leave that figure up to your imagination), and then her new baby (dog) chews up the heels! She knew that she had to have those shoes and replace them before her mom found out. After contacting the designer, they didn’t have the size Britter needed so they agreed to create her another pair for the same price (of course). The second pair of shoes arrived, but this time with a phone call. They contacted her and asked her if she’d be willing to tape her story for OPRAH! I got this email that said, “OPRAH Tonya OPRAH!” To make a long story short, Oprah wears this designer and loves dogs and thought she’d love to hear the story. The tape is done and off to Harpo studio. Now Britter is anxiously awaiting for the phone call to be on the OPRAH show.
A special thanks to Megan and Cambrie at the Crowne, they left me a special surprise in my hotel room! They did an amazing job.
May 17, 2008
This was a very special wedding to me for many reasons. First let me tell you Britter is an amazing woman. She has a heart for the world, animals, and people! I’ve never met someone in my entire life that cares so much about the environment. My first GOING GREEN WEDDING of my career (I love first’s of any type). Everything from the recycled invitations, bridesmaids carrying battery candles, free range meal (chicken and beef), carbon credit for the travel, and a menu board verses menu cards to save paper. Things were planned out very carefully to save and preserve the environment. We recycled the cans, water bottles, and wine bottles from the bar (how easy is that?!) This was one wedding to always remember for two main reasons: one was the enormous, elegant floral ball with thousands of flowers in the middle of Crowne Plaza (Way to go Julie and her crew) and the second element were the table names. Britter loves dogs. When I say dogs I mean every living 4 legged friend on this earth. Her brother said it best, “If Britter could have the zoo in her back yard she would!” She came up with this idea of going on Pet Finder and search for homeless dogs and name each table after the shelter dogs. This had to be done at the very last minute (Thanks Jill at Westwood Paper Company). Then on each table we had a glossy picture of the homeless dogs and a description on how to adopt the doggies. I thought this would be a nice gesture, but no one would truly take the next step and adopt a dog. Boy was I wrong! By the end of the night we had two families that adopted two dogs and several descriptions were gone. Out of 28 dogs/tables she was able to save two dogs that would have been put to sleep this week. AMAZING! Way to go Britter. I am always stunned by the creativeness and the craziness of my brides, but love every minute we come up with something out of the box and it WORKS! If I didn’t mention one last thing about this woman I would be doing a disgrace to every girl’s true love, SHOES. Everyone knows Darcie and I have a fetish for shoes, but Britter wins GRAND PRIZE for these bridal shoes and the unbelievable story that goes along with it. The day Britter contacted us via email she said that she knew we were the planners for her when she noticed the cute zebra (Darcie) and polka dot (me) shoes on our contact page. We knew we were destined to be together as bride and coordinator from the very beginning. So of course her bridal shoes had to be just perfect. She finds these designer shoes online she adores, her mom pays a fortune for them (I’ll leave that figure up to your imagination), and then her new baby (dog) chews up the heels! She knew that she had to have those shoes and replace them before her mom found out. After contacting the designer, they didn’t have the size Britter needed so they agreed to create her another pair for the same price (of course). The second pair of shoes arrived, but this time with a phone call. They contacted her and asked her if she’d be willing to tape her story for OPRAH! I got this email that said, “OPRAH Tonya OPRAH!” To make a long story short, Oprah wears this designer and loves dogs and thought she’d love to hear the story. The tape is done and off to Harpo studio. Now Britter is anxiously awaiting for the phone call to be on the OPRAH show.
A special thanks to Megan and Cambrie at the Crowne, they left me a special surprise in my hotel room! They did an amazing job.
hey! were Britter's shoes Louboutins?
oh, and the ASPCA will let you make a donation on behalf of your wedding guests and they send you placecards that tell your guests what a nice person you are and that you gave money to save dogs and cats! (in case anyone else cares about shelter animals at their wedding)
and CONGRATULATIONS on your award!!!
Tonya - The wedding sounds amazing. What a perfect way to GO GREEN for your wedding!
I absolutely love the Animal Shelter idea. Such a thoughtful and caring person!
No, they were by shannon britt. She specializes in wedding shoes, and is an extremely wonderful person, and her sister/business partner is fabulous as well. Tonya, and her dream team are amazing. you see the pictures and they dont do it justice. i never had the fairy tales of my wedding (just my shoes:) but it was beyond a doubt a wonderland! it was outlandishly gorgeous! everything was opulent and regal (just like i had asked). we also pulled off the green wedding! thank you for the countless! emails and hours spent on this wedding. if anyone reading this does not have a venue - crowne plaza is awesome, staff is awesome (love megan! and cambrie), wait staff is great, chef is fantastic, overall top notch. dont have a planner, you are already at ccp.com - stay here, there is no reason to go anywhere else, you are at the right place. you want an event in indy? talk to tonya! flowers - dont even think about this one. julie is the most caring thoughtful person you will ever meet, and will fulfill your dreams. i am so blessed to have such fantastic women now in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my shoes!
Britter, Jay, Bula, Bagley, and Ari
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